International Association
of School Librarianship

ISLM 2014 "Your School Library: Mind-Map Central"


ISLM Bookmark Project

The ISLM Bookmark Project involves matched schools making homemade bookmarks (any style, shape, etc - be creative) that reflects the International School Library Month theme.

Once again Breege O'Brien of Ireland will co-ordinate the 2014 Bookmark Exchange Project. Register early so that you have plenty of time for your students to create some wonderful bookmarks. Those schools taking a Summer break soon might find this beneficial for planning purposes.

The Bookmark Exchange Project is a simple, fun way of sharing the pleasure and delights of books and libraries and of making new friends through school libraries worldwide. If you and your students did not get involved last year perhaps you will in 2014. If you have a matched school early enough you may wish to your students communicate with each other before you make your Bookmarks exchange in readiness for International School Library Month in October.

If you would like to become involved in this project, you will need to send the following information to the ISLM Bookmark Coordinator, Breege O'Brien at

  • your school's name
  • your school's location (city, state/province/country)
  • the grade/age level of the students to be involved
  • the number of students involved (this is very important to ensure you are matched to a school of similar size)
  • the contact information (name and email address - include a contact email where you can be reached during any school holidays)

Matching will be taking place on a regular basis between August and the end of September.

Please note the following:

  • You should aim to send the bookmarks to your matched school in October
  • In order to avoid disappointment for students and teachers in your matched school, please follow through on your bookmark commitment.

Please register for the project as soon as possible so we can set up your match by sending the details about to the Bookmark Project Coordinator. If you have already sent us your details and have not had them acknowledged by the end of August please resend them.

For more information or to add your name to the list of participating schools, contact:
Breege O'Brien, Bookmark Project Coordinator, at

ISLM Skype Project

Coordinator: Gerri Judkins

Would your students like to talk to others in a far away country during International School Library Month? The trick is finding someone in a time zone where you can link up via Skype during a school day.

Join in the fun!  If you would like to be part of the Skype Project, email me and I will share possible schools for you to connect with.  If you have any questions, please email Gerri at

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
Submitted by: Drazana Filipovic,
Title: Professor of Croatian language and the librarian (Profesorica hrvatskoga jezika i dipl. knjižničar)
School or organization: Srednja skola fra Andrije Kacica Miosica, Makarska, Croatia

This year, within the International month of school libraries, ISLM,,our school has had a few workshops representing our students' creativity. After joining the bookmark exchange project, our school was assigned the school in England, so our students have had the chance to create mind maps of our school library.

We have based our work on various topics, such as: the most famous Croatian writers, the oldest books in our library which are protected by law, creativity and projects of our school library etc.

With regard to this year's annotation of school libraries, the students (class 2L) have created a pinboard. We have also marked The month of Croatian book that is celebrated from 15th October- 15th November. In that period, our pupils are joining the library project for secondary schools on the national basis called “Let's read till the stars“. The topic is- novel for young people. This month, the pupils are reading two novels that are set for the first level of competition (between schools). After that, they will take part in quizes and the next two levels.

On 24thOctober, we had a workshop in our library regarding Sajam mogućnosti ( Fair- Opportunities). Our students made various leaflets and broshures, school magazine, library report representing our school and our school library.

Our activities will contunue throughout the rest of this school year. Our school library is the place wher our students can express their artistic and literal abilities, and we are glad to know that there is a web page like yours so that everybody can see the pride of our school.


Country: Croatia
School or organization: Osnovna škola Korog – Általános Iskola Kórógy (Primary school „Korog” – Croatian school for hungarian minority)

Weblink: Region: Croatia, Vukovarsko-srijemska županija (east of Croatia) Number of students in the group: 11 Average age: 12-14 yrs
School coordinator: Dubravka Čapo and Anita Drenjančević, librarians

ISLM activity
This year our school, Primary school Korog, has joined for the first time ISLM Bookmark Exchange Project. We are from Croatia and in our school Hungarian national minority is educated in their language. In the project are included pupils from 6th and 7th classes, together with their teachers. The project manager are our librarians.
We designed our bookmarks together with our pupils and we made them in a two groups. We photographed the process. Our teachers and pupils research and study about our partner countries in school library and they made power point presentation about our and partner school. We plan to present the project to the rest of the school and to pupils' parents on our school's Open door day and with that we will conclude this year participation.
You can see the photos on our web page:


Country: Croatia
School: Osnovna škola Lug – Laskó Általános Iskola (Primary school „Lug” – Croatian school for hungarian minority)

Region: Croatia, Osječko-baranjska županija (east of Croatia)
Number of students in the group: 18
Average age: 8-10 yrs
School coordinator: Anita Drenjančević, librarian


Country: India
Submitted by: Dr Rashmi T Kumbar
Title: Teacher Librarian
School or organization:  Adani Vidya Mandir

Adani Vidya Mandir, from Ahmedabad, Gujarat India, wishes you all a Very Happy New Year as we begin our new year from Diwali – a festival of lights signifying victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. We celebrated International School Library Month (ISLM) in the week starting from 14th Oct’14 to 18th Oct’14. Our school, Adani Vidya Mandir is an initiative of Adani Foundation, a Corporate Social Responsibility arm of the Adani Group of Industries and set up with the objective of providing free education to meritorious students, coming from challenging economic background and to recognize and enable such students to reach the summit in their chosen fields.

Our school has been celebrating ISLM for the past five years and our students enjoy thoroughly all the activities associated with it. This year, the inaugural day was marked with a workshop on ‘Creating Hanging Stories’ for students of classes 7th and 8th conducted by Ms Shefali Nayan, a well known artist in our city. We had ‘AVM Reading Festival’ for the students of Classes 3rd to 8th during their post Lunch break wherein every class teacher or monitor read aloud to the students in the class followed by a small activity. The books to be read were given by the library staff keeping in mind the time duration, age of the students, interest, etc. We had special assemblies in the entire week wherein every house (Samarpan, Samriddhi, Satya, Sahas) had put up an assembly each which included skits, talk shows, quiz, poems, etc based on books, reading and libraries. Soft boards were decorated on ISLM theme ‘Mind Map Central’. Books on gratitude and the students’ work on them and various formations of the bookmarks we have received all these years were displayed in the junior & senior library. We had ‘Samiksha 2014’ a book review competition, with students sharing their reading of their favourite books. Vidarshan 2014: an exhibition consisting of display of book reports, dioramas, posters, hanging stories, book jackets, and author information in the form of stamps of fames, puppet show, etc. in both the libraries was held on the culmination day. Dr Shraddha Trivedi, noted author and an expert on children’s literature in Gujarati language graced the ISLM culmination programme which also included puppet show, an item on Gujarati folk literature, book reviews by students, poem recitation and a motivating talk by the author. Closing with a prayer that every ISLM celebration should bring children and libraries closer always!


Country: India
Submitted by: - Seema Sohal
Title: Librarian
School or organization: The Millennium School, Mohali, Punjab, India
Web link:‎

Brief outline of the ISLM activity

The Millennium School, Mohali celebrates the ‘International School Library Month’ every year. The event had a great start with an array of activities related to books and reading. The school Library was decorated on the theme ‘ISLM’. The students at each level took part in the library quizzes enthusiastically.

Library Quizzes: 

The quizzes were conducted via audio visual tools on selected popular children’s books. The students entered the ‘scrumptious’ world of Roald Dahl and celebrated the 50th anniversary of his most popular book ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. The students read his books and exchanged their book reviews with ‘Medan International School’, Indonesia via e mail. The primary level students participated in the quiz on the books of Enid Blyton. The students really enjoy reading her books on adventures and mystery. The junior students took a journey to an enchanting world of fairies, elves, goblins, pixies, etc. The winners were felicitated with medals, certificates, fairy tale masks and royal crowns.

Bookmark Exchange:

This year, the students exchanged bookmarks with a school in Spain and two schools in Croatia. These are: - LAUDE Newton College (Spain), Primary School of Monte Zaro Pula (Croatia), OSNOVNA ŠKOLA TRNOVEC (Croatia)

Sharing of Book Reviews: 

Besides Bookmarks, the students of TMS Mohali also wrote book reviews on their favourite author, Roald Dahl. The book reviews were exchanged with the schools in Spain and Indonesia via mail and school Blog. The students really enjoyed this activity and it also helped them to understand the reading tastes of the students of the foreign countries.

Skype Project:

The students also interacted on Skype with a school in Indonesia and also in Spain. The students were really excited about this project as they made new friends across the world. The students shared a bagful of information on their respective countries, currency, language, national symbols, festivals, traditions, monuments, books, etc.

Looking forward to be a part of ISLM next year!! Thanks to ISLM coordinators and IASL!


Country: Indonesia
Submitted by: Hanna Chaterina George
Title: Chairperson
School or organization: Association of Indonesian School Information Professional (APISI) for Sekolah Tanah Tingal – school with nature environment

In celebrating ISLM for the first time in this school, APISI as a consultant for school library development of Sekolah Tanah Tingal, initiated a ‘Reading Together’ event with students, teachers, staff and parents of the school on Friday 31st October2014. The aim of this event is to show students an exemplary model of reading from the adults both from school and home and obviously to enjoy the reading book (together). For Kindergarten students, their parents came along and read together with their children. With donation from The Asia Foundation called Book Time Book Bags, each student of school was given this blue bag of two books. Parents were encouraged to read these books with their children at home.

On October 11th, 2014, APISI held a seminar for school librarians with theme: Creative Librarian: Teaching with Meaningful Learning. Francisca Messakh shared her experiences of IASL Moscow Conference including the recent issues discussed during the conference. Many participants attended this event including the Sekolah Terpadu Pahoa School management, National Library of RI representative and Mrs Enny Angkawati Satoto, the Head Management of Sekolah Tanah Tingal.

Hopefully, school librarians, students, teachers, parents, school management and school staff were happily celebrating this international event and it could raise the awareness of how important the role of school library and school librarian in the education life.


Country: Indonesia
Submitted by: Inez Kinanthi
Title: Librarian
School or organization: SMPN 8 Tangerang Selatan

In celebrating International School Library Month 2014, our school held some events from october 14th untill 31st

DEAR challenge , 14-31 october
for the love of reading, we held this event again in this year. everyday 20 minutes before go home, we ringing bell as sign for the students to read. they can read anything they like such as novel, comic or also encyclopedia. what's different this year in DEAR challenge was, while we ringing bell, we also announce time to read in same phrase and many languange, as we held it along 14 days, that means we announced in 14 languages.

Career Day , october 18th
this event maybe already sounds familiar for several schools, but for our school this was the first time. we invited parents who came from many different profession for sharing and gave insight more to students and other audience about their profession, how they able to be in that position, what they experienced as they running those profession, and also tips for students who have interest in the same major. this event quite run well as we held this for the first time. thanks to all parents who got involved.

BEP , october 21st
this year we made exchange with schools in new zealand and australia. there are two groups in us, 26 first groups made exchange to Southwell School in New Zealand. and the other group are 20 students who made exchange to Marcellin College in Australia.

Watching movie, october 28th
as our regularly event, for celebrating ISLM we also watching movie and discuss it together, this month we were wathing Divergent.

Book talkshow , october 23 and 29
in supports from local publisher named Bukune, we had two session of book talkshow in october 23rd and 29rd. in that two days we had two famous author, Ayumi Chintiami and Kevin Anggara who staring in the event, students were very enthusiastic in participating and got involved in this talkshow, at the end of the show the author also doing booksigning and took picture all together.


Country: India
Submitted By: Meenu Jain, Librarian & Bhavna Saxena, Asst. Librarian
School or organization: G D Goenka Public School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, India

On the occasion of ISLM, the School Library organized a plethora of competitions for the students. This is a time for the students to understand and appreciate the importance of reading and treasure of knowledge hidden in the books.

This is a simple, fun way of sharing the pleasure and delight of books and of making new friends through school libraries worldwide. This year our students exchanged their handmade bookmarks with 3 schools:
Royale Elementary School (USA)
Athens Intermediate School (USA)
Andrew’s Catholic College (Australia)
The bookmarks were really appreciated by the schools and all students learnt a lot about other countries.

In the quest to build capable readers, promote independent reading and creating ravenous, lifelong readers a special assembly was presented by the library council members. The rewarding day began with the students sharing views on their favourite books and authors. A skit was also held by the students, on a scene from the famous book “Harry Potter”. Students evolved assembly into an enticing experience that captivated the audience and send them across an enchanted bridge. In the conclusion everyone took a pledge to read books.

Creating a school wide reading culture is important to promote reading as a lifestyle. In celebration of the event, a number of competitions including Bookmark Making , Draw & Describe Favourite Book Character, Design a Book Jacket, Book Review, Weaving a Story, Quiz etc were held for different classes.
The winners in these competitions were awarded certificates by the school Principal during the school assembly.
The award for “Readers of the year” has been presented annually to the good readers since 1995.Even this year to encourage students, they were acknowledged with the “Readers of the year 2014” award.
Thanks to everyone who participated and helped in making the ISLM such a great success.


Country: Pakistan
Submitted by: Ms. Farhat Jabeen
Title of your position: Head Librarian
School or organization: Happy Home School, Karachi
Web link:

The following activities have been planned for this year:

1. Bookmarks Exchange Project
Inspired by the International School Library Month Association’s Bookmark Exchange Project, our school Happy Home is conducting a similar project city-wide for schools in Karachi, Pakistan. It will involve schools making and exchanging handmade bookmarks on a particular theme. The theme for 2014 is Quotes on Reading. The response has been very encouraging with 18 schools of Karachi participating in this first-ever event. At the conclusion of the activity, a Sharing Session will be organized where librarians / teachers / students from the participating schools will come together and share their experiences of the bookmark exchange. This will also serve as a grand finale for our ISLM celebrations this year.

2. Assembly presentations on this year’s theme Related to the theme of International School Library Month ‘Your School Library : Mind -Map Central’

3. Preparation of Class and School Bulletin Boards Related to the theme of International School Library Month Your School Library: Mind -Map Central

4. To promote reading skills, the following activities will be done during library periods

  • Fun with new words (Class-II)
  • Vocabulary Game (nouns) (Class-III)
  • Vocabulary Game (adjectives) (Class-IV)
  • Dictionary Game (Phrasal verbs) (Class-V)
  • Memory Challenges ( Making a list of library books) (Class-VI)
  • Story-writing (Group presentations) (Class-VII)
  • Book Review Competition (Class-VIII)
5. Story-telling Competition (Class-VII)

6. English Elocution Competition

7. Display of students’ work in classrooms and library

8. Book Fair: A book fair will be held in the school campus where books for different ages will be offered at reduced prices.

9-Story-telling through Puzzles


Country: Pakistan
Submitted by: Samira Ali
Title: Librarian
School or organization: Beaconhouse School System Clifton Campus

The International School Library Month was celebrated by BSS Clifton Campus from 27th October till 31st October. Students from the age bracket of 3-8 years engaged in numerous activities to celebrate the importance of Libraries. They enjoyed story telling sessions using puppets & props. Children created digital stories using the software photo story 3. We held a character parade in which students of Early Years till class II dressed up as their favorite characters and marched around the school sharing information about their characters on stage. Students of KG presented a morning assembly in which they dressed up as famous characters and asked the audience riddles followed by the phrase “Who am I? Students of class II presented short biographies on various authors in their assembly. We arranged a book fair in which books of several varieties were available for the young learners. Students also enjoyed making colorful, creative bookmarks and ISLM logo badges. All the activities a
imed to emphasis the importance of learning through storytelling and the importance of libraries.


Country: Pakistan
Submitted by: Saba Ahmed Khan
Title: Librarian
School Name: Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Kindergarten Branch 1 (Pre-Nursery)
Weblink: Email:

School Address: F-69 Block B north Nazimabad, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Age Level: 3.8 - 4

On the occasion of ISLM, the Beaconhouse School System Kindergarten Branch 1 (Pre-Nusery) organized Library Orientation for parents and various activities for Children.

Parents Orientation:
Parent Orientation is an opportunity for parents to learn how the “Beaconhouse School System” works to serve students and positively impact student success. The more informed and engaged parents are, the greater our students' success.

Book Fair:
The purpose of book fair to develop a culture of reading among school going students and to avail for them an exposure to all kinds of book and enhancing the process of learning.

Video Session:
Children watched video regarding library rules. The purpose of that video session is to develop “How to take care of library books at home”.

Making Bookmarks:
The students prepared bookmark and discussed the importance of bookmarks.


Country: Pakistan
Submitted by: Ambreen Nizam
Title: Librarian
School or organization: Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Kindergarten Branch-I

Brief Outline:
The students of Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Kindergarten Branch (Class One) indulged in various activities. They prepared ISLM logo badges which they wore and discussed the importance of a library in a school and community. They even watched a video which outlined the ways through which they can take good care of their library books at home. They played a game on the web link ( ) through which they wrote stories of different genres. The students prepared bookmark and discussed the importance of bookmarks. They kept their prepared bookmarks in the reading corner of their classrooms.

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Country: Pakistan
Submitted by: Urooj Ahmed
Title: Librarian
School or organization: Beaconhouse School System Primary II PECHS
Web Link:

ISLM Activities

This year, within the International month of school libraries ISLM, Beaconhouse School System Primary II PECHS was involved in these sparkling activities.

1. We commenced a Readathon as a motivation towards reading. Students are using Library to read in their free periods and in break time as well. They frequently visit the Library to lend books. We have made some cozy nooks and areas in our school to motivate students for reading so they can sit comfortably and enjoy their reading.Students have been given a reading log to keep their reading record.

2. Parents were also engaged in ISLM. We conducted story telling sessions by parents for different classes,

3. Students picked up the books from genre (Classics) and wrote book review using graphic organizer, and put these reviews on the board of Book of the Week.

4. Students of Class III mended up the damaged Library books showing their care and love for books and Library.


Country: Pakistan 
Submitted by: Huma Khan and Maheen Mumtaz
Title: Librarians
School or organization: Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Kindergarten Branch, Karachi Pakistan

Our school celebrated the “International School Library Month 2014”in which students performed the following activities:

  • Discussion about “Library as learning Center and importance of book mark”
    • We discussed library as learning centre and importance of book mark and how to use it while reading book.
  • Making Bookmark
    • Students prepared bookmarks in the library and they took them at home.
  • Watch a video on “How to take care of library books at Home”
    • Through this video students learn about how they can take care of their books at home.
  • ISLM Logo colouring activity provided them awareness about this event
  • Visit to Class one Library
    • Students of KG classes visited the library of class one and students of class one told them different stories.
  • Book Fair
    • We arranged a book fair in our school to promote book reading, students along their parents purchased different story books.
  • Morning Assembly Presentation on “International School Library Month”

Country: Pakistan
Submitted by: Ambreen Humayoon
Title: Librarian
School or organization: Beaconhouse School System North Nazimabad Primary IV.

We did the Bookmark Activity with the students of Grade I-V, where they had to make their own bookmarks. We conducted the Read Along Session with the parents and the students which gave parents the pleasure of knowing knowing where their child stands in the reading area. We did the Story Enhancement Role Play with Grade II. We conducted the activity named Books And Us with the students of Grade IV in which the students got to know more about the books.


Country: Pakistan
Submitted by: Jane irene
Title: Librarian
School or organization: Beaconhouse School System, Clifton Campus, Karachi
Weblink: email:

Grade: classes III, IV and V
No of students: all sections (III, IV & V) 25 each approximately


Last week Beacon house School System Clifton Campus celebrated the International Library Week with great enthusiasm. The children were engaged in a variety of activities during the whole week. During these interactive activities children were provided with opportunities to explore new information, build their vocabulary, and polish their reading and comprehension skill. Written below are the activities carried out.

Assembly Presentations were done throughout the week in which classes three, four and five participated. The children spoke about the importance of the library as well as the importance of reading in English and Urdu. They also suggested fellow students to take care of the library books. The children recited poems in English and Urdu. Posters made by the students were displayed and quotes regarding reading were shared on the stage.

Interesting and exciting Storytelling Session was conducted in the library. Students made creative bookmarks with a variety of techniques and materials. They wrote book reviews on the books read and encourage others to read them too.


Country: Poland
Submitted by : Iwona Cymerman
Title: school librarian
School or organization: Primary School Nr 6 in Siedlce

Brief outline of the ISLM activity :

To be or not to be ? Don't hesitate. Be well-read, mindful, sensitive, perceptive, creative and generous.
Open up your mind and you will not get lost - your school library is a mind-map central !

October was very busy for librarians, pupils, teachers, parents, poetry and animal lovers as well.
What did we do?

1. Accolade - Ceremony of Granting Reader's Rights for our 1st graders.
They had to prove their maturity - the knowledge of fairy tales, nursery rhymes and other poems.
Pupils had to tell the difference between e-book and audiobook, side and page, author and translator, library and bookshop etc.

2. We celebrated World Animal Week by
- Reading the story of Jock (Dzok) - a dog hero from Cracow
- Pet food collection for stray amimals
- Vet Event with a veterinarian, who talked about zoos, pets, rabbits and rabies

3. "Shape of a Captured Moment" - exhibition of poetic photographs (by pupils, teachers, parents and... uncle Robert) and fragments of poems (by local poets)


Country: Portugal
Submitted by: Anabela Rodrigues
Title: School librarian
School or organization: Escola Paulo QUintela- Biblioteca Escolar Álvaro Gomes

Our School Library celebrated the International School Library Month 2014 promoting the following activities:
1. Visit to the School Library
all the 5th grade classes visited and participated in a treasure hunt in the library in order to develop library skills;
2. Bookmarks Exchange Project
5th grade, 6th grade students, students with special needs (10 – 11 year-olds) and 7th grade students (12 year-olds) shared bookmarks with schools from Croatia and the USA.
Bookmarks Exhibition from different countries
3. Display of Book Reviews, Reading Quotes and Bookmarks
4. National School Library Day” (27th October)
Celebration of the “National School Library Day” with a performance by a group of students;
5. Lecture about “School libraries and the challenges of the 21st century”
With everyone’s support and cooperation we expect this year to be a huge success.

Country: Portugal
Submitted by: Manuela Maria Sá Cachada Baptista
Title: Teacher Librarian
School or organization: Escola Básica nº2 de Rio Tinto, Gondomar
Web link:

Adress: Rua da Campainha/ 4435-140 Rio Tinto/ Portugal
Contact information: Manuela Baptista -

This year our School Library is celebrating the International School Library Month with the following activities:
  • Participation on the Bookmark Exange Project 2014 ( changing bookmarks, made by students, with schools from Budapeste (Hungry) New York ( United States ) and Trinidad and Tobago (Caribean);
  • Participation on Skype Project with students from Trinidad and Tobago;
  • Participation on eTwinning Project "Bookmark s Craft" (Librarian Teachers and students from Slovenia, Polish, Greece, Italy, Portugal (our school)l, SlovaKia and Estonia present their School Libraries, show their activities promoting reading and change between them bookmarks) -
  • Visits to the Library (discovering this space to the 5th year students);
  • Meeting with the writer Carla Sá, author of "Psychic detective" collection (23rd october, from 14.30h till 17.00h);
  • Telling stories such as “The pink Library” from the librarian teacher Manuela Baptista;
  • Celebration of "National Day of School Library" ( 27th October);
  • Ceremony of eTwinning Quality Labels students eTwinning Project "Express Yourself!" (23rd october);
  • Halloween commemoration with films and stories witches and ghosts , decorating the spaces and with candies.

Country: Portugal
Submitted by: Maria José Domingues e Ana Lídia Lopes
Title: Professoras bibliotecárias
School or organization : Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. António Granjo, Chaves - Vila Real

With the aim of getting the students that start a new school stage (Kindergarten, 1st, 5th and 7th years) familiar with the library space and with the existing resources, there have been, throughout the month, several guided tours to the School Library of each school level.

As part of the project All Together We Can Read (a project that intends to make school libraries inclusive, equipping them with resources adapted to students with Special Learning Needs), a Conference on Color Blindness took place on the 13th of October, presented and guided by Miguel Neiva, graphic designer and investigator from the University of Minho, who created the ColorAdd, a code of colors which aims to ease the daily life of those with color blindness.

Related to the Conference on Color Blindness, the School started a color blindness test/trace campaign to all 3rd and 4th year students’ belonging to the School, an activity that had the sponsoring of several local entities/companies.

Subsequent to this event, the School will take part in a nationwide pilot-project, by implementing the ColorADD code on 3rd and 4th year classes, with a partnership from the EDP Foundation and the ColorADD Social (a nonprofit association).

In the month of October, the School started an activity based on the sharing of readings, which intends all the elements from the school community (students, teachers, administrative assistants/staff and parents) to bring life to the library’s database by reading pieces of work or authors included in the School Library.

Actions on the improvement in the organization of school libraries: adapting the libraries with the Coloradd symbols.


Country: Portugal
Submitted by: Fátima Costa 
Title: Teacher-librarian
School or organization: Agrupamento de Escolas Figueira Mar - Figueira da Foz

October has long been a month marked by activities dedicated to the celebration of books, film series, pictures, didactic games and reading. The entire month was marked by activities organized by the school library and some teachers of our school.

The activities for this year’s event included:

  • " A Night at the Library " - students of the 1st grade :
    • Shared dinner in the BE hall
    • Reading stories with projected images, accompanied by the sound of small music boxes
    • Painting on scenery paper
  • Exhibition " Your School Library: Mind -Map Central"
  • Readers Network: crafts produced by students of various age groups, reinforcing reading habits
  • Route Libraries - guided tour of the 1st grade students of Centro Escolar de Vila Verde visited a library from another school in the country.
  • Moments of reading : students of various levels of education shared moments of reading.
  • Reading challenges " Happiness " - read the selected book and write your comment on it .
  • Origami 's workshop
  • Bookmark project - making bookmarks
  • Promotion of these activities on the facebook and twitter

Country: Portugal
Submitted by: Maria Adelaide Jordão da Costa
Title: librarian teacher
School or organization: Escola Secundária Camilo Castelo Branco, Vila Real, Portugal

Our School Library celebrated the International School Library Month 2014 by promoting the following activities:

Training session with users of the school library

At the Secondary School Camilo Castelo Branco, a century-old school, founded in 1848, younger students who attend our school for the first time are invited by the library for a guided tour every year.

In the first part of the visit, students learn some of the history of the library and have the opportunity to meet some old and valuable documents. For example, they can see drawings and hear texts written by former students, dated 1879; They can see the musical adaptation of the masterpiece of the romantic writer, Camilo Castelo Branco, patron of the school - the libretto for an opera "Amor de Perdição" - dated 1909. The students listen to reading a page from the diary of a former school social worker, dated 1937.They visit the archives to see the background documents concerning the colonial museum.

In the second part of the visit, the students know the library room, the resources available, the practice rules and are invited to meet and collaborate on the site and the blog of the library.

In the end, the school librarian invites students to record their impressions of the visit on a placard and offers them a certificate of attendance.

ISLM Bookmark Project - The other activity carried out in October was the participation in ISLM Bookmark Project - change of book marks with students of a Hungarian school in Hajúszoboszló.


Country: Palestine
Submitted by: Nadine Haj Abed Issa
Title: Senior Librarian
School or organization: Friends Girls School

The International School Library Month was celebrated in our school with the following activities:

HOSTING A BOOK FAIR – During the book fair the school also hosted an educational program where authors and storytellers read and discussed stories and did different activities with the students.

  • Can You Guess the Book? – Book Quotes were written by the sixth and fifth-graders and then given to the third-graders who guessed the title of the book that the quote is from.
  • DESIGN A BOOK COVER FOR YOUR FAVORITE BOOK -The students made a collection of drawings on the topic “The Book I Like”
  • THE BEST THING ABOUT MY SCHOOL LIBRARY \ WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE IN MY SCHOOL LIBRARY- Students wrote what they liked in their school library and they also researched on the web to see school libraries around the world. Then they wrote what they liked and wanted to have in their school library.
  • TEACHERS’ FAVORITE BOOK- Teachers wrote the title and author of their favorite book of all time which were displayed in the library.
  • VISIT OF PREVIOUS SCHOOL LIBRARIANS TO OUR SCHOOL LIBRARY- Previous school librarians were invited to visit our library and were honored for their work.
  • MOVIE SESSIONS- Students watched Oliver Twist, Journey to the Center of the Earth and The Wizard of Oz.

Country: România
Submitted by: Muntean Viorica
Title: School librarian
School or organization : Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Toma Cicisiu" Blaj, Alba – Romania (,,Toma Cocisiu’’ Middle School from Blaj, Alba, România)

In October, school librarian, teachers and pupils of our school celebrate The International School Library Month. The purpose of this celebration is to draw attention to the importance of school library in students education.
,,Toma Cocişiu’’ Middle School from Blaj celebrates School Library organizing a lot of activities:
  1. Promoting ISLM in our school – creating promotional matherials: posters, drawings, brochures, badges
  2. Visiting the school and public library;
  3. Reconditioning the damaged books;
  4. Bookmark project - making bookmarks;
  5. Let me tell you a story – contest;
  6. Do you know the author – presenting G. Jurca’s work;
  7. Leave a book some place! – activities organized within the Intenational Campaign ,,Oublie un livre quelque part!’’;
  8. Carved books – Power Point Presentation;
  9. Creating a facebook page to promote these activities.
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Country: România , Bacau
Submitted by: Marinescu Georgeta 
Title: Frenche teacher

The category grouped activities meant to rise awarness on the domentary fonction of the Library. The final product have been organised as Power Point Presesntations and have been created in teams of students. The the coordination of the materials has been ensured by the teachers involved in the project.
- Alain –Fournier – centary of death- a PPt created by Casaneanu Alexendru and Burca Alexandru, 10 G th grade, coordinating teacher Marinescu Georgeta;
- Dylan Thomas - birth centenary in october – a PPT created by Lazar Mihnea and Radu Cosmin, 10 G th grade, coordinating teacher Marinescu Georgeta;
1.2. - Horezu Ceramic - recent Romanian folk art recognized by UNESCO – a ppt created by Preda Stefan and Stefana Stiulete, 10 G th grade, , coordinating teacher Marinescu Georgeta;
1.3. - Nicolae Breban 80 – Romanian writer of the 80s, whom we celebrate 80 years of the birth, a PPT created by Saada Roz, Cojocaru Tania, Banila Otilia and Vranceanu Bianca, 9 A th, coordinating teacher Popa Dana-Elena;
- Winner-loser relationship in the novels of Breban , a PPT created by Popa Irina Ioana 10 G th , coordinating teacher Marinescu Georgeta;
- Constantin Brancoveanu – 300 years after death, Roman king killed by Turks, became a martyr of Orthodoxy a PPT created by Charalampos Panayotys-Alexandros and Grudinschi Stefan, 9A TH grade, coordinating teacher Popa Dana-Elena.

The activities have as starting point the IASL slogan Your School Library: Mind-Map Central and were applied in lessons of Romanian, English, French , Arts.
II.1. Argumentative Essays – A competition of essays in Romanian which had several sections :
- School library metaphor - creations of poems and epic texts, 9 G th grade, coordinating teacher Stoean Mihaela;
- essay contest on the theme slogan Your School Library: Mind-Map Central, 10 B th , coordinating teacher Stroe Calina.
II.2. Debates – on the importance of books and lecture:
- reading practices – 10 Ath, teacher coordinating Marinescu Georgeta;
II.3. Biopoem – creative writing exercises applied to the characters from “ Harap-Alb “ – a special destiny, by Ion Creanga, 10th C, D grade, coordinating teacher Ramona Elena Mocanu;
II.4. Bookmarks Exhibition:
- “ The world of Alecsandri “ , 9 Ath, 11 Eth coordinating teacher Popa Dana – Elena;
- Your School Library: Mind-Map Central,, 5th, 7th, 8th grade, coordinating teacher Gavriloaia Ramona.
II.5 Creative Writing Workshop Your School Library: Mind-Map Central :
- essay contest, proverbes, 9th grade , coordinating teacher Stoean Mihaela;
- epic creations, 9Ath grade, coordinating teacher Lupu Oana Elena;
- poems creations , 9Ath grade, coordinating teacher Lupu Oana Elena;
- Highkoo Poems - Your School Library: Mind-Map Central 11 C th grade, coordinating teacher Paduraru Elena.
II.6 Teenagers reading – recommendations reading made by students - 9 F th grade.
II.7. Art Exhibition , 10 Bth grade, coordinating teacher Stroe Calina;
II.8. Poster exhibition, 11Jth grade, coordinating teacher Timofti Afrodita
II.9. Highkoo Poems Exhibition, 11C, 10D rh grade , Coordinating teacher Paduraru Elena.

The 5th edition of this celebration has been organized by the lower-secondary school students. Activities included recital of poems, piano recital, top favorite books, presentesation of Carlos Ruiz Zafon and his novels “ The shaddow of the wind” and “ Marina “ teachers Marinescu Georgeta and Mocanu Ramona ), presentation of “Divergent “ ( student Birgu Maria 9Eth grade ), parade of characters ( 11C th grade ). The coordinating teachers of these artistic moments were: Mocanu Ramona, Paduraru Elena, Marinescu Georgeta.


Country: Romania
Submitted by: Camelia Mantarosie
Title: Documentary Teacher
School or organization: “Mircea Eliade” theoretical High School; Intorsura- Buzaului

The students and teachers at “Mircea Eliade” high school, Intorsura- Buzaului, have again celebrated the International School Library Month. The documentary centre has organised a series of activities under the slogan “The book – a gift that you can open again and again…” 

One of the most exciting activities was the contest of presenting and donating a book. The preparation for the activity started on the 7th October. The students in each class, along with their class teachers and Romanian language and literature teachers discussed the most interesting books they had ever read. Following the discussions each class chose one book, bought it and read it together. Afterwards they presented it at the contest which took place on the 3rd November. In this way the entire school community was introduced to the captivating books of the young people. They are the books which are and will always be an important part of what builds their personality. Every class donated their chosen book to the school library along with a promotional poster. In the second stage the promotional poster competition took place on the 7th November. 

The students also took part in the “Bookmark project” for the first time this year. The bookmarks made by our students in the 5th-12th grade were exchanged with schools in Spain and Trinidad and Tabago. 

The “Skype project” is another activity of the international School Library Month. The details have been arranged and the students will discussed various topics with their peers of SOS J. Szakkayho-Szakkay Jozsef Szakközépiskola, Gresakova 1, Kosice – Slovakia in November. 

All the activities were organised by the project team formed of: the high school Principal Maria Badiu, coordinating teachers Camelia Mantarosie, Laura Suciu, Catalin Lungu, the pedagogic team of the high school, the student Madalina Marin of 10th –B2 grade and other students in the 7th grade. 

Once again the International School Library Month proved to be a very good incentive in drawing attention to the importance of the school library in the process of learning. The aim was to attract the young people towards reading. The very positive feedback from the students, who enjoyed the activities and dedicated part of their free time to them, could only mean that it was a success.


Country: Serbia
Submitted by: Mirjana Soskic
Title: librarian/IT
School or organization: Experimental Primary School "Vladislav Ribnikar"

Brief outline of the ISLM activity:

International School Library Month 2014 was marked by several events:
An art competition on the theme "Your school library: mind map central" was organized and followed by an exhibition.

We organized a visit to the Children's Department of the Belgrade City Library "Čika Jova Zmaj" and attendance to the presentation of the book "The mysterious house in the woods" by Swedish author Lena Ollmark. She was the guest of the Festival "Krokodokodil" held in our city. The central theme of the festival was the horror genre subtitled "How to escape from the horror stories."

Lena Olmark was also the guest of our school where she held the workshop called "How to write a horror story."

A young French writer, Christophe Mauri, who was this year's guest of the “Creative Center” publishing house and the International Belgrade Book Fair, visited our school. In the premises of school library he hung out with students of bilingual classes who have enthusiastically asked him about the new adventures of his hero Mathieu Hidalf.

We visited the Belgrade Book Fair which always takes place in October and participated in the workshop called "The use of computer games for educational purposes," organized by the Goethe-Institute.

Another workshop was held on the theme "The book - the path from author to reader," where students could learn how to make a comic book in the Comic Life program.

For promotional purposes we created a thematic bookmark.
Web link:


Country: Serbia
Submitted by: Tamara Panic Milosevic, Librarian and Aleksandra Malic, Librarian,
School or Organization: Elementary School "Rade Drainac", Belgrade, Serbia

1. We met the famous writer DAVID J. SMITH in Belgrade, Serbia. Author of "If the World Were a Village!". Students were delighted with the way he explains the phenomena of the world.

DAVID J. SMITH is a classroom teacher with over 25 years' experience teaching English, Geography, and Social Studies in grade levels from 4 to 12. He achieved recognition for his unique method of teaching seventh graders to draw maps of the entire world from memory, now published by Fablevision as a highly successful curriculum, "Mapping The World By Heart". In 1992, Smith won the U.S. Department of Education's "A+ For Breaking The Mold" Award for this work. Since 1992, he has been a full-time consultant, providing lectures and workshops on geography and global issues, and on IT issues, to teachers, parents, student groups, and others in the United States, Europe, Africa, South America, Australia, and Asia.

The "Mapping The World By Heart" curriculum directly addresses standard number 2 of the US geography standards, and has achieved phenomenal results in public and private schools throughout the U.S. and in locales as far-flung as Cote D'Ivoire and Japan. It is popular because it works. At the beginning of the school year, students draw maps of the world, and "the results are predictable," said one article about the program; "The maps always show incredible gaps in students' mental images of the world, with the only places included being the places that are real to the students -- where they live, where they've traveled." But at the end of eight months, these same students are able to draw detailed maps that include the names and borders of 190+ countries, with their capitals, mountain ranges, rivers, etc. The technique used is both traditional and up-to-date: lots of memorization, but not the old-fashioned methodology of rote-for-rote's-sake, but rather memorization informed and enriched by the real use of knowledge, study, practice, mnemonics, and games.

Time Magazine, NBC's Today Show, The L.A. Times, and the Associated Press, among others, have acknowledged Smith and the success of his curriculum. Besides the curriculum, Smith has written articles for the New York Times's Education Life section, for The International Educator, for The World Paper, NESA Notes , and Independent School Bulletin.

He has also written five other books -- "If The World Were A Village", which was published in March, 2002, by Kids Can Press in Toronto, and "The CEESA Web-Site Manual" and "Emergency Procedures Handbook for International Schools" were published respectively in 1998 and 2003 by the US State Department.

The sequel to "If The World Were A Village", entitled "If America Were A Village", (isbn 1554533442) was published in August, 2009.

His newest book, "This Child Every Child: A Picture Book For Children About the Rights of Children" (isbn 1554534666), was published in February, 2011.

"If The World Were A Village" (isbn 1550747797) has been widely and favorably reviewed in journals such as Booklist and Horn Book and School Library Journal. It was chosen by the American Booksellers Association as their #1-recommended book on the BookSense 76 Children's list for Spring-Summer, 2002, and Newsweek chose it as one of 10 children's books on their "recommended reading" list in August, 2002. In addition, it won the H.C.Andersen Prize for 2003, the International Reading Association's Children's Book Award for 2003, and was named a Smithsonian "Notable Book of the Year". It has been published in 20 editions, in 17 languages other than English, including Braille.

Besides book visits and assemblies, David offers consultation services, workshops and platform presentations on geography and global awareness for schools and professional organizations.

David was born in the United States, but is a permanent resident of Canada; he and his wife live in North Vancouver, BC.

2. We had a journalism workshop. We talked about the library as a center of knowledge and mind and devising a magazine on this topic...

3. We were on the 59th Internacional Belgrade Book Fair. It was held from October 26 to November 2, 2014. Official slogan was "It's Reading Time!". Guest of Honor Country- China.

Beogradski sajam knjiga - 2014


Country: Seychelles
Submitted by: Miss Marie-Neige Basset
Title: School Librarian
School or organization: Mont Fleuri Secondary School, Mahe, Seychelles
Weblink: Email:


To celebrate this year International school Library month, Month Fleuri Secondary has organized an exhibition with this year’s theme which is Your school Library: “Mind-Map Central” and students works revolving this theme was put on display in the school’s lobby such as; quotes, colourful posters, stories, bookmarks and poems written by the students. During lunchtime there were film shows and numerous games like literature quizzes for teachers and students testing their knowledge, quizzes about different books and so much more which the students really enjoyed.

The students also have participated online in the bookmark project and our match school is Portugal. In addition to this , the school is also participating in “what people are doing?for library month this year , whereby schools throughout the world are sending activities of what they did for library month of course Mont fleuri secondary has send her list of activities
On Wednesday the school’s Librarian hosted a special assembly to commemorate the school library month. The assembly started with reflections by Miss Peggy and sir Meshack and the Headteacher Miss Rose-Mary addressed the school with a speech that touched every students heart. A group of students performed two songs ‘ Greatest Gift of all’ and ‘Lekol se ledikasyon’ ended the assembly.

There were different interesting quotes such as; “ A good library is a joyful place where the imagination roams free, and life is enriched” which meant that students must consider their school library as a foundation for knowledge. As sung by the students “ Indeed a library is the Greatest gift of all.

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Osnovna šola Ivana Roba Šempeter pri Gorici
Šolska knjižnica
Andreja Gabrščka 1
5290 Šempeter pri Gorici

We celebrated International School Library Month. We are sending five titles of books of the Slovenian authors. Students selected:
  • Author: Svetina, Peter
    Title: Antonov cirkus
  • Author: Seliškar, Tone
    Title: Bratovščina Sinjega galeba
  • Author: Muck, Desa
    Title: Nebo v očesu lipicanca
  • Author: Topić, Uroš
    Title: Emma Storm. Brotherhood Culis
  • Author: Makarovič, Svetlana
    Title: Kosovirja na leteči žlici

Country: Slovenia
Submitted by: Leonida Babič
Title: School librarian
School or organization: Primary school Starše, Starše, Slovenia (Osnovna šola Starše, Starše, Slovenija)

We prepared an exhibition of the First World War in the library at Primary school Starše in October, when there was ISLM. With that exhibition we celebrated the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War and a day before All Saints Day we remembered those who lost their lives in it. The exhibition was seen by the students of our school and the inhabitants of municipality Starše. The objects for the exhibition were contributed by local collectors.     

Country: South Africa
Submitted by: Anneli Silvennoinen
Title: Head of Resource Centre
School or organization: St Marys Waverley Senior School for Girls, Johannesburg

We are running a number of activities in our iCentre throughout the month. These range from a competition, farewell tea for our final years, various book displays, mini workshops on mobile devices, promotion of our Digital Library and Facebook page, collecting books for underprivileged school libraries as well as a Staff Book Browse. We are loving ISLM and send our warmest wishes to other school libraries around the globe. School/Resource Centre

Our final year matric Resource Monitor group gather before a farewell tea for them in the iCentre  The display of previously banned books elicits a lot of interest. The dates and reasons for bannings  Working and having fun in the iCentre during ISLM  Roneque has organised a drive to collect unwanted books for underprivileged school libraries  The Shelfie Competition is the great favourite. Various teachers ahve photographed their bookshelves

Country: Spain
Submitted By: Cristina de la Fuente
Title: Librarian
School or organization: Laude Newton College (ISP) ( Elche, Alicante, SPAIN)

School Library : Mind-Map Central

Laude Newton College is a British International School in Elche, Alicante (Spain). The School Library serves more than 700 pupils across the age range. This year we have celebrated ISLM with some very special activities.

For the second consecutive year we have participated in the Bookmark Exchange Project. This year we have interchanged friendship and work with pupils from the Punjab in India. This activity allows us to express and share our cultures. Our pupils now feel an affinity with India whose rich traditions have been brought closer to us through stories, music, scents, symbols. We have read book reports sent to us by our twin school. The children have used books to investigate India, collecting their discoveries onto mind-maps which have used to make a Big Book of Discoveries. As a final touch, to finish the month, the Library Team prepared a special assembly. During this assembly we awarded prizes for the best bookmarks presented and also we found out about the festival of Diwali.

Our aim is that the library be a window to the world. Motivating curiosity and inquiry allows children to diversify their routes of learning. Our Library Skills Programme aims to form readers and thinkers capable of building a better world respecting all human diversity.

We couldn’t forget the 50th anniversary of the publication of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl! For this reason we have dedicated a month long homage to this great author. Roald Dahl’s works are wise and full of stimulation for the development of young minds. We have been reading extracts of his work together and discovering interesting facts about his life. An exposition of his work has presided over our Library during these months. We found out that the children in India are also Roald Dahl enthusiasts. His stories and characters unite us. This is the magic of books!

Finally, we are happy to tell you that we continue to diversify our reading platforms in the library and our pupils our becoming e-readers with great ease.

We also have planned a workshop for parents whose aim is to guide and coordinate families in use of the Library and the encouragement of reading


Country: Ukraine Slavutych
Submitted by: Natalia Hromovyk
Title: The head of the library
School or organization: Slavutych secondary school I-III degrees № 4
Weblink: web-site:
e-mail :

“Library is an educational strategy partner” was the slogan for International Month of Libraries in October 2014.
The aim of the Month was to approve the important role of school library in modern society and promote its innovative development.

A range of activities was conducted by our library for upbringing the reading culture and introduction of innovation forms for book popularization:

  • Pupils of the 6 form took part in some amazing journeys to the past “The travel of the book to pupils of nowadays”. The children got to know the history of a present-day book, shared their readers’ preferences and tried their hand in creating ancient books with their own hands.
  • Pupils of the 2 form took part in the activity “The World of unread Books” and in the contest “The Fairy Tale Land”, got the first acquaintance with the library and shared the impressions as for the first read book.
Then young booklovers promised to treat books carefully both their own and librarian, got the reader’s subscription and their first librarian book.

Pupils of the 4 form took part in the book fair where the most active readers presented their books in such a way that the others wanted to read them.

After the fair children chose books they liked the most.

  • During the whole month children enjoyed the traditional contests of bookmarks and “Pictures of my favourite characters” and a share “Present a book to the library”.


Country: Ukraine, Slavutych
Submitted by: Valentyna Korotkevych
Title: The head of the library
School or organization: Slavutych Lyceum
Website library Slavutych Lyceum:

A brief information about extra- school activities.

Library as a territory of unity

This year Slavytuch Lyceum took part in Nationwide Ukrainian month of School libraries. Within it Lyceum library presented:

  • exhibition of achievements of members of Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and report of lyceum pupils who take active part in work of Lyceum club “Pleiad”;
  • book exhibitions devoted to October anniversaries
    • ​ 200th anniversary of birth of Russian writer and poet M.Y. Lermontov;
    • ​ 160th anniversary of birth of Irish writer Oscar Wilde;
    • ​ 85th anniversary of birth of Ukrainian poet P.F. Synhaivsky;
    • ​ 75th anniversary of birth of Ukrainian writer V.T. Skurativsky;
  • during school breaks pupils were given information about resources of Slavytuch lyceum library.
On the seventh of October pupils of the 21st group with their tutor Oksana Kushnirenko congratulated Lyceum library on its birthday and held very interesting quiz “My favourite book character”.

The most active readers of lyceum library were awarded books and sweets.


Country: Ukraine, Slavutych
Nina Remez the head of the library; Nina Murzich librarian
Slavutich school #1
Website library secondary school №1:

A brief information about extra-school activities.

During the international month of school libraries in Ukraine the first All-Ukrainian month’s campaign of school libraries was held under the slogan “A school library is a strategic partner of education”.

For a period of 30 days the librarians of the Slavutych Comprehensive School #1 designed literary exhibitions: “For you, teachers!”, “Echo of war in a poetry”, “Where there is a cossak-there is a fame and freedom”, organized reviews of literature and periodical editions: “Modern book-to modern children”, “About everything interesting in the world read in a magazine or in a newspaper”. They also have prepared the library lessons “Hello! Nice to meet you, our school library” for the pupils of the second forms. As a result 66 little pupils have joined the big family of library readers. The pupils of the 6-8 th forms took part in creation of short video ads, which in a natural form tell about a book. The Press Center of our school self-governing pupils’ organization RGPS has designed a poster in which the information about the library and the librarians was given.

The month’s campaign was interesting, creative and has passed quickly and for the benefit of pupils.


Country: Ukraine, Slavutich
Submitted by: Nadia Bahmetova
Title: Librarian
School or organization: Slavutich school # 2

For the space of October 2014 the International Month of Libraries took place at the secondary school № 2 under the slogan “Library is an educational strategy partner”.

The aim of the activity was to approve the important role of school library in modern society and promote its innovative development.

Various kinds of activities leading to the popularization of children’s reading, presentations of new editions, thematic literature exhibitions, literature contests, librarian lessons, excursion for the second formers, staging of the fairy tale “ A book in search of friends” and first subscriptions were held within the Month of Libraries.

Children with pleasure were looking through numerous books, magazines and other exhibits of the library.

After librarian lessons, presentations of new books, getting acquainted with the library children chose some books for themselves and were looking forward to new meeting

Pupils of primary school took part in the contest of paintings “My school library”. The best pictures were awarded with prizes.
Take care of your books, love and treat them with respect. Don’t forget reading them and they’ll support you! Books are one of the greatest sources of knowledge.



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